First day we did nothing..just travelling makes us tired..It's the 2nd day that they had their most fun I guess..they're going to Dodu City to work! What is it like there? Let's take a look..
It's a big building with a few floors..the students can go around the 2 whole levels to work as much as they can...they are streets..traffic lights..and different jobs available in every shop..
Wondering how to do their job? Therer will be a person in every shop and station to guide them how to do their job..most job need to work around 30min to 1 hr to get paid..those who are selling things will get commission for every one thing sold..
They have to meet the requirement in order to work there..those who work well can get extra pay..

Some of them are in the court..

SOme of them selling newspapers on the streets..

This is how the streets look like...

This is where they got their newspapers from..

they are acting as postman and send mails to other shops..the smaller kids will sometimes pair up with the bigger ones..
Too bad adults couldn't get to play...

This is their ATM card and Dodu money..they can draw their money out or put money inside the bank..where the people in the bank are also students..

Alot of our students are working in the bank..you know why..because this job can earn the most money...oh my god..

You should know..they are trying to sell their work for money..before that..they still gotta pay for the material fee..if the drawing are not sold..they won't get a cent..that's the life of an artist..

we can always get good food..8 dishes and a soup for every meal..
The 3rd day..we went to the 西湖..It is beautiful because of the 柳树..and the romantic story there..of 白蛇传,梁山伯朱英台...and many more..
We then went to the 刀剪剑博物馆...where we did some cutting..

Then..we went to watch the famous 宋城千古情...where it talks about what happens during Song dynasty...it is 4D somemore..with water falling and movable seats..till now..it has shown around 30000 shows for these few years? Although it repeats the same thing every night..it is always full house..but we are late for the show..and unhappy about it as we didn't get to watch the first 10 min of the show..
The 4th day..we went to the Fan Museum..there are many types of fan there..I bought a "pencil umbrella" suitable for me to stuff inside my bag..hee...

Did you noticethere is a dot missing in the 国? It's deliberate..even at the tatoo of his back..because his mother wants him to know that the 国will not be completed if he did not serve his country well..
And actually..there are 4 people who betray 岳飞..and not only the couple..still have 张俊and 万候卨 kneeling in front of the tomb..actually I took down the tomb of 岳飞..but I better don put it up as it seems to be disrespect to the dead..

Because we complain..we got to go to SongCheng again to watch the show..this time..we have time to walk their streets..so we went to walk to 聊斋街..it's quite fun..there's a haunted house and houses which is slanted and upside down..
Ok..time to go home..on the way to the airport..the kids sang..we sang..and earn lots of points!
It was a great trip..luckily the weather is good when we want it to be good..and turns bad when we are indoor..really thank god for it..if not we won't be able to get out of the village..the blessing from reverend before we go really works..thanks..

This is their ATM card and Dodu money..they can draw their money out or put money inside the bank..where the people in the bank are also students..

Alot of our students are working in the bank..you know why..because this job can earn the most money...oh my god..

You should know..they are trying to sell their work for money..before that..they still gotta pay for the material fee..if the drawing are not sold..they won't get a cent..that's the life of an artist..

we can always get good food..8 dishes and a soup for every meal..

We also went to 万松书院where 梁山伯and朱英台met...according to history..these 2 person appear in the school..but there are a few hundered years apart..so do you think this story is still true?

Next, we risked our lives and took a few hours journey of bumper car into the village to visit Qiu Yuan Primary School..the people there are quite educated..just that their facilities their are not so adequate..you can see..they do not have any fans on the ceiling..only depend on nature wind..

for their accomodation..it's is very simple..tey don't have mats..but own 草席on top of the plank and sleep..80% of the students stay in the school..while 20 % of the students who live near "still need 4 to 5 hours to reach home) go home to stay...

How do they survive? basically..they stay in from Monday to friday..just like army..but everytime they go school..they gotta carry 1 week of rice and vege..their vege must be those preserved vege that are not easily perishable..and they cook by themselves...the P4 will take care of the P1s..the teacher also stay in..every nite..the teacher will burn 2 coils to keep the mosquito away for the while school..
There are only 12 teachers..including the principal..less than 200 students..every level only 1 class... 1 class about 25 to 30 plus ppl..
I made the right choice of bringing my instant camera there..cos they're so amazed that the photos can develop out instantly..I just used up all my instant print I brought there..they are so happy..hee..our school also interact with the kids there but the accent makes them not understandable..we taught them how to speak slower and stuff..it's really a good trip..but a little too dangerous as the road is narrow and there can be landslides anytime..on the way back dur to landslide we still gotta carry the rocks blocking our way back..
Then...we went to the famous 岳飞Temple..I took a lot of pictures as I know it is useful for my temple stuff...

Because we complain..we got to go to SongCheng again to watch the show..this time..we have time to walk their streets..so we went to walk to 聊斋街..it's quite fun..there's a haunted house and houses which is slanted and upside down..