starting to get busy again..
after that 10 days of "break" in school...(national day..project work..don need to teach..so threw lotsa homework for them to do)..my retribution is back..pile up again..plus lesson observation gotta prepare..assignment due..schedule is packed too..temple..school..unisim...and i realise i really don have much time to do my assignment..therefore..the best time to do is at nite where no one will disturb me cos everyone is asleep..lucky..this time the assignment is easier..i hope i can finish it suisui..
i'm trying to press my cough down..eating lotsa chinese medicine..trying everything out..can't eat those western drowsy ones..i need my time to do my work..maybe after next week ba..or holiday..den i'll let myself sick..now cannot..must negotiate with my own body to stay strong at this period..
many other stuff for me to do..but i still have fun out of it..
a few p1 kids told me "薛老师,你今天穿得很漂亮。”
it's worth it..
It's national day today..I'm staying at home for the whole day..couldn't go out..dad and sis went to temple for the whole day..so staying at home to pei mum is my job for the day..jaja came to pei me..bought nice veg chicken rice from serangoon ave 1 for me to eat..
trying hard to do my assignment..i dono how to do..really..cos i just attended one lecture..and assignment due this coming sun..where the 2nd lecture is on sat due to national day today..i can feel the stress coming again..yes..i did slack abit..cos i really dono how to do it..if nt would have done it long time ago..
when i was doing my assignment..again.mum is trying to talk to me..and asking me for opinion..talk about my bf..this and that..i really coudln't concentrate..but she needed someone to be there to talk to..rather than staying at home for the whole day...lunar 7th month is coming..hope her condition doesn't get worsen..
i had a boy in school..i think there's really sth wrong with him..his dad is taking him to SMH it see doctor..and his dad told us that his mum is also mentally unstable..dat's y the dad feels that it spreads to the kid..
sometimes..i feel i do have something wrong with my mind..thinking of stuff that i shouldn't think...but that's in the past..i stop fantasizing for a long time..even if i do..i know what i am doing..not like when i'm still young i always wish and wanted it to be real and trying to make it to be real..i can say i grew out of it..but isn't it good to fantasize sometimes? as long as u can differentiate the fake from reality..
must really try to concentrate..eye and hand for assignment..ear for mama and tv..
You know..I do really love Singapore in my heart..where can be better than Singapore..I mean..yes we are small..u don have much place to go..but to me it's already very good..compare to other countries..yes..u may want to go overseas for a trip..or wanted to go study or work abroad..but I will still like Singapore no matter wad..it's safe..and everyone is given equal treatment..wad more can u ask for..
Happy Birthday...my old friend..
July Updates!
It’s another enriching month for me..I’m feeling so happy that my school hasn’t started yet..and my time is not so packed and I can do wadeva I wanted to at my own pace..hee
After the many band practices..finally..it’s over! I get to go into kallang indoor stadium again one week after the SYF..FIR Concert! It’s their 2nd concert..They came last year..but the response is also good..and the money all goes to Guang Ming Shan..so take it as a donation la..hee..

this light stick cost 6 bucks...but very bright!

Stephanie is here as a guest..yeah!

celebrating her birthday!

the cake is done by fay

Rushing the camp videos..finally..it’s ready! But din manage to play everything during the camp cos of time constraints..everyone had a fun time..if only my dad went for the camp too..

Jaja bought the bike on mon…and I’m being forced to ride on the bike cos the other biker don wana let me ride on his..ok la..as wad he says..doesn’t look good la..shd sit on jaja’s bike..I was like so stress up..the p and vp is at the door when we went out of the school gate..opps..We both like it a lot la..just that it’s not so comfortable under the hot sun..gotta prepared to be black… ok la..he’s a safe rider la..he’ll always look at the speed occasionally so that he won tend to speed up without knowing..(shh…my family doesn’t want me to ride on his bike so soon)
Brought the P1 out for zoo trip..it’s fun actually..those naughty ones are not that naughty..(miracle)

School is starting soon..and before it starts..I already start to get nightmares on forgetting to hand in my assignment..blah blah..I realize it’s so wonderful to just teach and no school for me..I feel so much happier..
Recently..went to NUS camp..just join in as a “senior”..and I realize..there’s really a gap in between..I realize my thoughts are really more matured..and jaja says..must also take into consideration that I came out to work earlier..it really makes a person more mature with more working experience..