It's jiong yu's birthday..and he has invited us to eat with him on the actual day of birthday to eat with his family....有心了 just simply means we're just as close as his family...
the food there is very special..different from outside..i dono how to describe it..but it's really nice and unique..i'll sure go there to eat again..
firstly is the 菠菜羹...din eat before and saw it at any other restaurants..
this is the cold dish..which other hotel don really serve cold dish..unless it new year yu sheng..
this is the lotus rice...couldn't get it from any other normal restaurants..we don see such big lotus anywhere in must be imported lotus.. different from wad we eat from other's made of potato instead of yam..and inside is rendang curry instead...special rite..

and there are oso other dishes..

this one is very special..we thot it is his birthday cake..but end up is a type of mushroom with cheese..and we think the clay plate..or specially made for this dish which couldn't be find anywere..cos it has got one hole one hole many holes to contain one big mushroom each..
but his real cake..

and of presents..

his favourite mucha with chocolate..

a cap ready for his botak head for ns soon...
and also a card of one big family..
and also a wallet so that he could change it..

and while i was uploading the photos...his smile suddenly caught my attention..i think it's been quite a long time since i saw his smile..this natural smile..and it is not only one photo..but in made me smile..
and it's ktv time!

ha..everyone has got their different post during singing..totally different from wad we always see ourselves as..
time flies so fast..he's going for has been wonderful and having all the good memories that's shared for these few years..althou there's ppl going in and out due to their roles and responsibilities..but we all know that we are always together as one in our hearts.. birthday is coming...i know..i'm not bothered about whether i'm another year older or doesn't really bother me..just that sometimes the thought of death coming nearer to me just feels so errie..but..i didn't want to bother too much..
peeps..i've got everything i don need to give me anything ya..clothes i got i've got 20+....bags oso 20+..accessories..abundant..i oso dono wad more to get for myself..hee..
on my birthday..i'm going to do something meaningful in school..volunteer work! our school is having a toy buffet for the kids who are poor where they can choose a toy from those that are being donated's a meaningful event..i wish i could be at the event for the whole day to witness it..but there is shift..but nvm..i still can go there early to help's been so long since i did volunteer happy..
ever since my semester at sim colleague have been saying i'm glowing with light so much pimples..and whole person just brighten up...and..tell u sth..i din study for my exam even thou the exam is round the corner..ha..opps..i shoulded laugh's really not an impt issue whether to get a degree or not..i just like wad i'm studying..just the way i like my job..if the whole life is just about money..easy money..having good life..hee..i dono la..
live my life to the fullest..