i dono why this holiday is so busy..maybe because shifting of schools and always need to go back school everyday at either 8am or 9am..i really cannot take it..and dono why time just ding dong away and end up i reach home almost like 11 or 12 everyday for these past 2 weeks..and the coming other 2 weeks..one week taken away by band..9 to 4..tue thu and sat half day..i wanted to do lotsa big big projects for the kids de..and week 4..camp for a few days..den temple stuff..den no more!
and while i was dozing off at the chinese com meeting..i suddenly heard my name and i just scared until awake liao..one is they mention about the compo picture that i have done for SA1..my first draft was perfectly fine for the kids..it's just when it passed down to other ppl they add in this and that and took away things that shd have given to the kids..end up all write until buang..
and i heard my name again..about going to design lessons for those weaker students in han yu pin yin..that really woke me up..they say sth like me and the other teachers' class got quite a high percentage for SA1..plus we attended the course before..so we will be in charge to design it..den i tot..why jaja don need to do..he oso got attend lesson..not fair! hmphx!
actually now i really buay ta han oredi..it's sch holiday..and i dono y i don have the time to even go out with jaja..either he not free or i not free or both not free..it's so silly..holidays leh..i was jus fed up with this whole thing when he go for his own outing and i go for my own outing..really buay tahan liao..den i really start to get angry and made a packed jun timetable...sch..temple..gym..guitar..since no time to meet might as well just don meet at all..den he tried to persuade me not to go for the last week holiday camp and he oso don go..but oredi prepared to make friends and have fum since i din go for uni orientation before..everybody is asking me to go..oredi prepared le..don care..jus go! i'm just afraid the heat at sentosa beach will make me fall sick just before school reopens..
i really must try not to slack anymore..DON LET HOLIDAY MOOD AFFECT ME!!
Today..I just lost 2 cards..popular card..and my own uob debit card..sigh...
Popular card..i dono when it disappear..cos these days I've been using it and bought lotsa stuff..or maybe i drop it and i din noe..I just paid $3 for it today at popular bookshop..
In the evening, me and my frenz went to vivo marche to eat..den I use my uob to pay..and on the way out..when i was keeping my money that they gave me..while holdingon to the card..i kept my money first..and then..the card just slipped thru my fingers..and it rolled and rolled vertically..and just nice..it fit into the wooden plank holes and dropped inside..i was saying it so calmly that my fren din believe my card dropped..we were wondering whether it'll drop to the lower floor as the hole was deep..but later realise directly down was the aircon..so shdn't be..luckily..jaja very resourceful..a call to jaja den he can get me the number to call and replace my card..20bucks again..gone..dono y..sometimes whether good or bad things..will 接二连三...good luck X2..bad luck oso X2..
I just hope i won lost any more things again..and i was laughing at how careless I am..hehe..one meal money..gone..
went for the dyb camp a few days back..some teachers are from taiwan..and learn and experience alot of stuff again..
组名: 阿赞小队
队呼:啊......给我一粒seow ba zhang....让我觉悟去挑战,如果没有毅力,我们同心协力,才有力量做阿赞......啊......赞啊!
thou most of the lectures i've been sleeping most of the time..cos really lack of sleep..but those experiental learning i've nt been sleeping..
they told us to build a dream castle with those uno stacko..as tall as possible..and write out a dream tt u really wish it to come true..and paste it on the top of the building..i wrote..把自己应该要做的事做好,当一个能教得好学生的老师...and when we're sharing..each one of us is to draw out a wood without making the castle fall..it was fun..and a good experience to share sth tt u really wish to do..some wanted to be a fashion designer..singer..open ice cream shop..zoo keeper..everyone has their dreams..but if we only think and don do any action..it will jus topple..
next..to the games..thou their games are simple and not much props compared to ours tt we planned last yr..it was fun..and meaningful too..to learn how to know other ppl's feelings from their expressions..wad is win win situation..sometimes only 1 person shd lead rather than having ur own views and end up nth can be achieved..cooperating with each other..really learnt alot..
den..we saw an interview on a person 萧建华..his life is jus like those drama tragedy..but it's thru an interview..which makes it so real...his story is so long tt i dono how to say..more details can be found here
http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010380838ok..wad i learnt from him is he's really a very strong man..with lotsa mishaps happening to him..lotsa ppl cry when they saw the interview..i jus hold on to my tears cos i noe if i start crying..i'll cry for very long..cos the interview is about 40 min..and he can talk non stop..he said sth like..he noes he cannot take away anything when he dies..at least he can leave sth behind..sth good tt ppl can learn from him..ppl like him with such mishaps..he did nt grumble..but y do we grumble so much over small little things..or feel tired or give up easily over small things..aft tt..we did some sharing..den some cried again..cos they realise how fortunate they are..and oso talked bout things in their family..me too..bout the only person who gives me..no i mean the whole family a big problem..wad can i do..and wad can i say..when mum is oredi so angry over it and when she could do nth to that person..i'm jus a small fry in the family with no status at all..我...只有被骂的份..i din cry la..cos i don wana be so sad over and over it again..
the other nite..we went to hai die to sleep..the wooden floor was hard..compare to other ppl..i brought the smallest and thinest sleeping bag of all..with no pillow no boster..it's really so difficult to sleep..even thou i'm so tired..feeling? cold..i tried to msg jaja..cos not suppose to use handphone thruout the day..
for the last day..we were told to write a 讣文..sth like an article where u publish in the newspaper when u die asking for friends and families to attend ur funeral..we need to write which year u die..die of wad..and where u die..den wad are the things tt u've done in ur entire life which is worth writing..to let ppl noe..where's ur funeral..who u want to attend ur funeral..
that's how mine goes..(don wana write in detail..touch wood!)
it really makes us think wad are we gonna achieve in this life which is worth writing..rather than just 吃喝玩乐 in ur whole life and did nth tt is worth ppl remembering you..and hve u ever regret anything tt u've done..or u could have done sth bout it..
actually..there's only 2 things tt is always quite heavy in my heart..
i'm sorry that i told a big lie and hurted anyone when i was 18 years old cos i'm really nt right up on my mind at that moment..
i'm sorry that i broke up with my 2nd bf when he's such a nice person cos i really couldn't take it anymore..
i noe no matter how i explain..wad's done is done..everything still goes on..no matter the 18yr old ppl tt i've mentioned..or my 2nd bf..everyone still goes on with their life..stil good friends with them..while the other had a new relationship and moved on..at least i noe everyone moved on..at least i feel lighter and more things can come in..to worry about..to put my effort in..to focus on..rather than emphasise on wad i've done which could nt be undone..i shd learn to move on now..
it's tiring rethinking the whole camp again cos really experience alot of stuff..and facing myself..getting sleepy again..need to go sch pack everyday for 2 weeks..more tiring..
pictures..too lazy to upload le la..all here..nah..